Cheers mates.
Whats up guys ? Write some in the blog even if you just had a touchdown in the toilet. :)
We want to know how u are, yes you! :)
Right now the two of us (me and Betty for you dummies) are allowed to dive down to 18 m :)sounds short but i assure you that its quite cool when you are down there. But we want more so it just might be an advanced course in Bali in about 2 weeks time. That means down to 30 m .... ohhhh, then we are talking. Btw, right now its pissing down, and I mean pissing down :( thats not so nice but thank god that we finnished the course just before. And am forced to tell you that Betty outscored me on the test and beat me by 8 %. And Guy said, thank god u are pretty cause this one (Betty) is smarter then u. Will hear that for some time, probaby each time we go diving.
So when we signed up for the program we got Guy
as our instructors with help from Cameron and Jess . back to Guy, awsome dude whose comments are unbeatable and comes right out of his ass. Relaxed, a pro in diving, and just him self all the time. Its impossible to not like him. He where assisted by cameron, eks plumber/surfer from down under. Cam as we call him is like Guy, just relaxed and chill to dive with. Jess with the hair. He had dreads upon entering the wather but when i looked around I thought I where to shit myself, his hear where like a coral and he could probably stuff a couple of nemos in there. Hehehe :) Giant afro :)
On the dive course its a lot of cool guys/girls and we have gotten to know them all. So when we leave it will be alittle bit sad. :(
Like Betty told you we had some videos and schooling first. witch was quite boring but benefitual if you paid attention to it (Like Betty did). After that we had skills training in the pool. Like removing your mask, show that u actually can swim, out of air, and so on. Witch where pretty awsome, and useful for when we came to the open water. That pretty much sums upp day 1 and 2 of the course. So we move to day two. The firste dive on the course in open wather. We took this boat out to Twin peaks as the dive sight is called with alot of divers. There where probably like 200 divers in the water witch I personally didnt like that much. You just simply want to fuck around, watch fish and stuff and pee in the wather whenever u need to. Witch the first time was abit strange, but after doing it a couple of times it feels great. And it warms upp your wetsuit. hehe, now u know. When we jumped in we did a giant step for divers so that we came clear of the boat. Once in the water u should get bouyonsy (hu man flyter i vatne) and then signal okey. Thats easy. once in the wather the funny part happend, Betty started trowing up, all over the water and fich came from everywhere to eat. And seriousely I was amazed since I was holding her as she threw up, how much puke that could come out of surch a small girl. It where puke everywhere and fish eating it. It was funny as hell, and now Betty is known as the pukegirl. Heheh :) (she threw becouse there where pretty rough weather, the waves where pretty big and she wasnt the only one). After a check of everyboady beeing okey Guy gave the signal for us to descend (dyka nerat). After having someone i the group who didnt get her ears equlized (altsa luft inne i orene), so she had to go up again cause if u just continue to descent u can suffer a serious injury. After she went upp the rest of the group got their shit together so we acctually got a 49 min dive on our first dive.
Witch as Guy said he never had experienced before and he has been an dive instructor for 5 years so he has thought alot of students. When we where in the wather, it was like entering a new world, I mean u heard noices that u hadnt before, u saw fish (fish of various color) everywhere and the coral itself is pretty darn amayzing. :) So I absolutly got a kick out of it. I want more and maby even a shark dive in Australia. On the first open dive we practised some skills, the same as in the pool and it went fine. No problem for eather of us. :) Then we had a surface time of 40 min before dive 2. Then we pretty much just swam around looking at the coral and fucking around. Like doing flips, diving under this one cave and stuff like that.
On the dive two we did some off the other skills we learned and the rest of the time we swam around looking for rear aquatic life and simply just enyoing our self diving. We also got video taped on our 2 dive so that was cool when the guy came close to you and recording as you swam and showed your skills. In the end we took the boat back to Crystal dive club and got our evidence of beeing a open water diver up to 18 meters. Later today we will watch the movie that where made of us and then go out on a real Koh Tao party and have some fun. I recomend you doing the same.
Cheers guys, take care :)
Så najs, så najs!! :)
SvaraRadera(utom det där med spyorna - låter lite småäckligt :/)
Jag inboxade dej Betz idag -så kolla fb, där står det lite om dittan och dattan :P
Jee ska genast kolla :) Int sa najs dedar me spyorna naa men nu ha man testa pa de oxo.. O fiskarna fick mat ;)
SvaraRaderaHejj! Wow, låter coolt med dykarkursen, säkert tufft att vara nere vid 18 meter :) Jag vill också! Stakin Betty, låter int så najs att spy i vattnet där man simmar omkring :D :P
SvaraRaderaTack för kortet, man blev ju glad!! :) Jag skriver snart mail-uppdatering igen så kan man skriva lite mera. Nu ska jag ut och skida, måste ju försöka njuta av vintern när man inte har sol som ni :)
De va sjukt coolt, rekommenderar varmt! Kiva att kortet kom fram, man vet ju aldrig :D
SvaraRaderaNjuta av vintern ska du joo, de e no fint de me! Har va igar 42 grader.. LITE i det mesta laget! ;)